
Every year I anticipate the end of August here in Texas. There is an ever so slight break in the hot weather as I can feel moderate temperatures coming as the evenings start to close.

I am a writer, a speaker and the CEO and Principle of my own epidymous PR firm but the title I am most proud of is GiGi. That is what my three grandchildren call me. Well actually only one of them can talk but the other two know who I am regardless, lol!

Insurance adjustors rang our phone at about 7 am and woke us both up. They would be inspecting the roof momentarily.We were up late the night before working on a video project for a mutual client.

It is a well-known phrase that we use to describe a myriad of things; pictures of our children, birthdays and milestones that we celebrate and events that we can remember that shaped our lives. Yet it is very true in every sense. Time waits for no man or woman.

This past weekend was Mother’s Day. A holiday celebrated both here and abroad. Although dates may differ, many countries have taken the time to celebrate and draw attention to the role of mom’s in the lives of children.