
So many years of my life I looked in the mirror and I did not like what I saw. No, not physically but deep inside. I was weak minded I thought. Prone to always wanting to please everyone around me. I hated confrontation.

Sometimes as parents we worry far too much about our kids having too much down time. We over schedule them every day all day all week in the hopes of keeping them occupied.

When I was younger I would often wonder how successful people would find themselves. Sometimes when you look at the most celebrated and documented individuals, it looks as if they were just born to do what they do.

I honestly think that people underestimate the importance of a proper home. They really do. Do I mean expensive no. Do I mean large no. Then what?

I have spent a good portion of my life helping others discover their brand. Taking weeks and months to orchestrate sessions whereby people and companies can dissect their strengths and their gifts and come up with a plan to move closer to their dreams and their life goals.

One of my favorite scriptures ( I have quite a few ) is Luke 1:45“And blessed is she that believeth, for there shall be a performance of those things that were told her by the Lord.”

I had a revelation a few months back that to transform my personal health I needed to rethink somethings. Like many uber busy adult folks (buzz word for midlife), I realize that I can’t continue to treat my body like I was still in high school!! Those days are long gone.

When I was a kid in the seventies, I really loved to read and collect comic books. I was into all the comic book characters like Prince Valiant, Dennis the Menace, the Archie’s, Batman, Superman, The Fantastic Four and all the rest of the heroes of the DC and Marvel universe.