Our Time

Our Time

Time is so much more than money.

Where did the time go?

It is a well-known phrase that we use to describe a myriad of things; pictures of our children, birthdays and milestones that we celebrate and events that we can remember that shaped our lives. Yet it is very true in every sense. Time waits for no man or woman.

I am not sure of just when it happened, but lately, I have become both acutely aware and seriously concerned about just how I spend my time. Hours now seem to move so quickly. Days fly by as if they were hours and before I can look up from one season, another has rushed by to usher in the next. I feel not only an urgency but a mandate to be more responsible with my time. How I spend it, what I spend it doing, and who I spend it with. Every minute is so much more precious to me.

At the expense of appearing rude, I now choose carefully who and what takes up my time. I once felt I had to answer to everyone, be available to everyone, accommodating to anyone that wanted some of my time. But now as I have gotten older, wiser and more confident I realize that I am only one person with a finite amount of energy to concentrate on the things that matter most to me. I have finally at this stage in life realized what I am good at, what makes me happy and more importantly, what drains and exhausts me. I want to spend this next season of life being happy, enjoying my life and giving my time to the people and the projects that I feel compelled to concentrate on.

Time is precious. Hard to come by and impossible to regain. Let’s begin to enjoy it by filling it with beauty, purpose, and love. God gave us time, not to waste it but to redeem it. We can look to Him and figure out how to begin to effectively utilize what He has given us. Let’s stop allowing well-meaning people, trivial things and what I call insignificant fluff to whittle away at our time.

For it’s never too late to realize that our times and our seasons are still in His hands. And He promises to make it all beautiful in time!!

live, love & celebrate