Where Did the Time Go?

Where Did the Time Go?

This past weekend was Mother’s Day. A holiday celebrated both here and abroad. Although dates may differ, many countries have taken the time to celebrate and draw attention to the role of mom’s in the lives of children.

My kids are basically all grown up now. They still need me, just in a different way. We are now friends and my motherly influence falls somewhere between a trusted advisor and a mentor but only when they feel they need my input. Otherwise, I try to let them make their own way in life. Growing up, I gave them everything I knew to give by way of example, testimony and love. There comes a time when you now must trust that everything you put in will find a place in their lives. The bible says: train up a child in the way that they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it.

Someone called me last week to wish me a happy Mother’s Day. It was a young mom that I mentor. And she said to me…how did you do it? How did you raise kids that turned out to be such nice human beings? I told her first it was the grace of God. I was so young; 21 when I had my first child. I was really a kid myself. But I had a relationship with God and my own parents to look up to. I was certainly nowhere near perfect with my kids. But the one thing I did want them to have was my time.

This is what ultimately registers with your children how much time you spend with them. If anyone is going to influence your children, it should be you.

Consistency and time. Knowing that you are who you say based on what they see you doing. And precious time that they know is for and about them. It may be sacrificial for you at times as the parent, but it will pay out in dividends in the end.

live, love & celebrate