

In 2020 I plan to not only have some cake but eat it too!

I’m in the middle of a shift. So, I’ve got some time on my hands.

I started this blog because I felt my life shifting. I felt God giving me permission to move on. I have worked in a very intense industry for a very long period of time. I have seen Public Relations work change drastically in the last decade due to the complex virtual landscape and the advent of 24 access news and commentary. It is time for me to bow out after 25 years of working at the top of my niche and do something new in my life. I am ready for a change.

It’s a weird kind of place to be in when you know that God is really answering your prayers. When you’ve asked him to release you from something that you no longer have the grace to do. And at the same time, you’re asking him to open the doors to something new and different in your life. It takes courage to let go of the old and wait patiently to grasp hold of the new.

It’s not that I haven’t been here before because I have. This kind of shift is seismic. I know it. I asked for it. I prayed for it and now the process has begun. I am halfway in the middle. There in, is the challenge. To not fall back out of habit and stay in a safe place. A place that you have outgrown but at least its familiar.

You see the old will end without immediately connecting you to the new. That is where your faith comes in. To get out of the boat having heard his call and then having to walk where he is waiting now without seeing the new path clearly. There is always uncertainly between the old and the new and we must camp somewhere in the middle ever so briefly. And how you camp in the uncomfortable place between dimensions can equate with just how long you may have to wait there.

The objective is not to stop and look around at the darkness and get shaken in the in-between place but to keep looking forward with eyes focused on the new goal ahead in the distance. I have much to do while I wait on him in the in between place right now.

The funny but real temptation is not to get nervous or apprehensive about where you are heading. I included a picture of my favorite cupcake shop Sprinkles because I did go off the rails for a few weeks and behaved as if the planning of my daily lunch spot and my afternoon cupcake flavor would end up being my future and final fate. Not a bad ending at all but I knew that God had more in store for me.

I am now delving into my word and praying that God will speak to me clearly about us as women and the things that connect us and strengthen us. That he will build upon my understanding of what he has shown me is important and how we can protect that. In the natural, I am getting some long overdue projects done in my home. As I anticipate hosting ladies and meeting more one on one with new people who will walk with me into my new season. I am open to accepting more offers to speak and to share some things that God has shown me all these years dealing with the body of Christ and women especially.

Writing my blog that focuses on sharing my life as a wife and a mother and a mentor over all these many years. These are the things that I enjoy doing. And I have had opportunities sporadically in the past. But I am asking God to open the doors for me to step out on a broader more national scale.  Has it fully happened yet, no.? But I believe the time is coming and fast upon me. So, I want to be ready when he opens the gates.

live, love & celebrate