Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Springtime in Texas

I am of course an east coast girl. Born and raised in New Jersey. I can’t pass up a leopard print accessory to save my life! And I just love the Spring of the year back home. The beautiful green of the pastures on the many farms that dot the North Jersey landscapes. The chill of the air first thing in the morning and the beautiful vegetables and flowers that you can pick up at any roadside stand across the garden state.

But Spring in Dallas has its own uniqueness as well. Church festivals, home tours, Bluebonnets and the sudden rain showers that last a minute and infuse a clean airy freshness for the remainder of the day. It’s important to remember what you had but to embrace and walk-in where you are.

Dallas is so different this time of year. The temperatures here are temperamental by anyone’s standards but early in the afternoon, it warms just enough to warn you that Spring while coming will be pleasant but brief. Summers in Dallas are not for the faint of heart.

This month we should be preparing ourselves for a new season as well. Now is the time in the cleanout our closets of heavy sweaters and dark colors and fabrics. Go through all your winter clothes, your sweaters, and coats to see what needs to be cleaned or mended before storing.

Fold up the jackets and the cashmere dusters and by all means, put away those velvet pants! Change up the couch pillows from burgundy to chintz. Have your carpets cleaned and think about adding a few pastel-hued decorations to your table settings.

On a deeper level, Spring can also be a good time to look into making some more personal changes. I am not only changing things in the house but hopefully within myself. How about you?

All of this noticeable change from one season to another puts me in the mood to seek God for direction on my inner Spring season as well. We can’t act like it’s still wintering when its Spring. It’s time to make some changes and prepare for what lies ahead.

As many of my readers, I am almost an empty nester. I don’t cook like I once did and I don’t have to run around at school meetings like I used to. Now that I have more personal time I need to find a way to reinvest that in myself and my next level of interests. I see no point in cooking all that food and wishing my kids were still here to eat it. That part of my life was wonderful but this new part will be even better. The past makes great memories but it won’t keep you company now.

Make some steps today toward that very thing that next year you hope to be flourishing in. Seasons are constantly changing whether you acknowledge them or not. Don’t get caught in a winter coat once the summer sun has appeared. And never allow your time in what was a long season lull you into thinking that a new one is not coming.

Sagacious women never really retire we just reinvent.

So go outside today. Allow the trees to rustle around you and breathe in the Spring air. Open up your arms and tell God that you’re ready to embrace a change. It’s a big world out there and you’ve only just begun to scratch the surface.

live, love & celebrate